Kriskadecor proyecto interiorismo contract para hotel en Ibiza. Cortina decorativa de eslabones de aluminio en color dorado
Project Aparthotel Vibra Jabeque Soul
Location Ibiza
Brands Kriskadecor

Josep María Aixut Grau, from AIXUT INTERIORISME studio


We present some images of the use of Kriskadecor products at the Aparthotel Playasol Jabeque in Ibiza.

The project has been designed by the designer Josep María Aixut Grau, from the AIXUT INTERIORISME studio.

The Apartahotel Playasol Jabeque is located in the city of Ibiza in the Balearic Islands, it is recently renovated and has impressive views of the Mediterranean sunsets.

In relation to the concept "When the sun comes down", the General Director, Antonio Domenech Lago, set very clear premises: the skylight had to include a sculptural lighting element that would give the rooms a certain privacy without losing perspective, in addition to mitigate the noise from the ground floor compared to the rest.

To achieve the desired effect, Aixut Interiorisme generated the idea that the sun's rays descend on the sides through cascades of links over 12 meters high, manufactured in a single piece thanks to the lightness of the material. This required 170 square meters of shiny gold Kriskadecor aluminum chain.

For their part, the lamps play the role of the stars that wake up at sunset and that, thanks to their sound-absorbing coating, mitigate the dispersion of noise. Finally, the sky rests on the earth thanks to the lateral beds of white gravel.

Aparthotel Vibra Jabeque Soul
Aparthotel Vibra Jabeque Soul
Hall Apartahotel Playasol Jabeque Soul, con decoración de cortinas de eslabones de aluminio kriskadecor
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